The mission of the Bpi is to transmit its skills and those of French public libraries to foreign institutions and to offer French professionals the benefit of foreign experience. To this end, it organises study trips, international meetings, professional exchanges and in-depth tours of the Bpi.
The Bpi implements partnership agreements with major foreign public libraries and arranges missions for experts, in order to constitute permanent exchange networks.
The Bpi collaborates with the network of media libraries of the French cultural network, coordinated by the Institut Français.

Foreign Libraries
Reports on various international study trips organised by the Bpi.

International Associations
The objective of the Bpi is to promote international action among French libraries and for this purpose is a member of major international professional associations.

International trainees
The Bpi and the Ministry of Culture offer two programmes that allow foreign professionals to be trained in France.

Bpi tour
(Library Tours) for foreign professionals