Cultural action
Cultural action constitutes one of the missions of the Public Information Library (Bibliothèque publique d’information), incorporated from its foundation at the heart of the Centre Pompidou. It needs to contribute to the cultural activity of the Centre.
The cultural action of the Bpi is demonstrated by the extent and the wealth of the events it offers to the public throughout the year, by its international ambition and its innovation in researching new forms to enhance the collections and open them up to dialogue with other partners and to suggest other modes of access to knowledge.
See the diary of events of the Public Information Library
Programming areas
Of an encyclopedic nature in order to reflect the diversity of documentary contents, it revolves more especially round 5 principal areas of programming: literary and artistic creation, cinemas, publishing novelties, new global balances and questions of society, artistic and cultural education for new audiences, etc. Moreover, it fits into the more general framework of programming for the Centre Pompidou, turned towards modernity and contemporary creation.
Methodological sheets
The following methodological sheets are inspired by chapters taken from the work: Cultural action within the library system, under the direction of Bernard Huchet and Emmanuèle Payen. New edition – Paris: Éd. du Cercle de la Librairie, 2008.