
Since 2005, the Bpi contributes to the acquisition and the availability of Self-study resources for the public libraries that have self-study areas.
The contracts with the publishers allow in-person access to the resources in the libraries as well as remotely.

This experimental system aims at encouraging the development of services to accompany self-study in public libraries, during this era of life-long training. It should also make it possible to measure needs and in this way to be better equipped for the negotiations with the publishers.

The Bpi, via the Self-study Service and the Cooperation Delegation, ensure the monitoring of the use, upgrading, evaluation and training for this resource.

In connection with this experiment in offering remote-access self-study resources in partnership with 19 libraries, the Bpi organises meetings for the network. The Bpi also organises information days for the presentation of self-study tools: meeting the publishers, discovering new products and responding to your questions…

Page d'accueil du pearltrees du service autoformation de la Bpi

Le Pearltrees de l’autoformation



Ce Pearltrees a pour objectif de recenser, d'organiser, d'archiver les sites web d’autoformation en accès libre.

Photographie des participants
©Katherine Sebire

Bilan du dispositif Autoformation hors-les-murs (de l’année 2018)



De 2016 à 2019, les bibliothèques partenaires qui bénéficiaient des ressources d'autoformation mises à disposition par la Bpi se retrouvaient…

Photographie des éditeurs partenaires
Les éditeurs partenaires à la Bpi, © Katherine Sebire

Private: Bilan du dispositif Autoformation hors-les-murs (2016-2019)



Chaque année, les bibliothèques partenaires qui bénéficient des ressources d'autoformation mises à disposition par la Bpi se retrouvent pour une…

Ressources d’autoformation proposées à la Bpi


Autoformation – Ressources numériques

Présentation des ressources d'autoformation proposées à la Bpi.